this is me

i am who i am and thats all i can be

Wednesday, November 24, 2010



Tuesday, November 23, 2010

this week

 the end of last week and the beginning of this week totally sucked  my ex thought it would be fun to piss me off and so he got my kids the flu shot and of course my son got the flu from it god id like to slap him  my son has been sick from wednesday on and he is just starting to get better enough to go to school today  he lost 4 lbs in  less then a week  from not being able to hold anything down either way  yesterday we had to go to hamilton to his dr who infromed us he has adhd well i have know that for a while since he was dignosed with it 3 years ago and we had to drive 2 hours to find that out  was a pure waste of my time and his time out of school  grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr  hate when they set up  things like that  but it is what it is what can u do  i did managae to lose 1 lb this week  which is better then last week  but im starting to feel sick this week

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

in my head

 thats a really good song ... but thats not what i mean  i have a great family  and man in my life but latly i have been feely really bad about my self  and i dont know why  i feel like theres something going wrong with me like imnot good enough to deserve what i  now have  i almost feel like things are going to blow up in my face soon so i get myself prepared instead of enjoying what i have in my life right now  everything is great except for me  i wan to t feel like i deserve what i have in my life  and i want to be able to enjoy it  not always worry when the ball is going to drop  i feel like my man and me who have never faught  are going down hill  and i know its just me  and i try to hide it from him but he knows me so well that he knows when somethings wrong i think my big issue is i am trying to lose weight  and its noty happeneing as fast as id like it to i try hard and all day im goods but come supper time im done. i will eat what ever my family eats and thats not good  cause they like crappy stuff  like icecream  and i have sometimes swicherdfrozen fruit for the ice cream  but halloween candy is still around and my worst thing is with chocolate i cant see it without eating it  i try not to have it around me but then my man will go buy some  i need to be able to say  hun u can have it i dont want it  but thats really hard  i just need to have good will power  and i used to for a bit but when i get happy i eat wich is weird usually its when peoplearent happy thery seem to eat more  wow i must be backwords

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


 my family
 wow what can i say i have  a great family i never really knew how greta they were tilll resently i have 2 great kids i have an awesome man and 2 sisters and  the best mom ever i love them sll very much we can laugh and joke around and be there for each other in times of crisis  not matter what i have done in the past they still love me and let me tell u i have done alot and they are still here  i have become a better person in the last year  in april i met the man of my dream and he has made me a better person we have been together almost 7 months and have never faught and normally im a fighter i do things  so that he will be happy  and even when i am hurt  i dont complain  about it  because i know its not him  hes a good guy  hes the best guy but i have been hurt so many times before by men who cheat and abouse me that this seems to good to be true  my mom is a great mom and nan she did everything she could for us growing up and she continues to do so for her grandchildren  to this day  she raised us basically  by her self my father was there but he was drunk all the time and did nothing for us  so she did what she could working 40 hours a week and putting a roof over our heads and loving us my sisters are both very educated and have great careers and i am the only one who isnt but im trying  i am on odsp and im looking for a job so that i can get off of it  and show my kids that  u dont ride the system  i went back and got my grade 12 in 2007 was susposed have graduated in 1997 now i am looking for a job to support my family  like my sisters do  ihave always felt like the black sheep of the family  until now  i know my family loves me and i love them  i wouldnt trade them for anything

trouble with weightloss

hello bloggers
 i am starting this blog for people like me who want to lose weight and are running out of ideas and so that we can support each other

 i am a 33 year old mother of 2 great kids and i finally have the man of my dreams  so what should i have to complane about i should be happy right ? wrong  i have always had a proplem with my weight at one point i was bulmic and then went to extreame overeating there is no middle  for me so i thought if i actully have to account for my weight maybe i would be able to lose some of it i have a goal  for july 2011 i want to lose 40 lbs by july 1st i go to the gym and i am trying to get motovated to lose the weight  but so far nothing i lose but then i gain back  i want to lose it and keep it off so if ur like me  and u need support  blog me